Saturday, April 4, 2015

This is the 26 Aug 1950 wedding of my Dad's 1st cousin on his father's side, Alec Lipscomb, and my Dad's 3rd cousin on his mother's side, Mary Sterrett.  But what makes the picture so wonderful to me is that it captures so many of my relatives.

The boy who is standing beside the groom is Bobby Alexander (my cousin) and the girl is Grace Heffelfinger.  Tragically, Bobby and Grace both died young; Bobby at age 55 and Grace at age 27.

Starting with the women left to right, are (from my interpretation of Cousin Mary's handwriting) Brookie Benton (later Dickerman), Isabel McSwain, Sarah Jeffress (who married Jim Alexander in 1951 and became my aunt), Annamarye Lackey Sterrett (wife of Mac, who is my 3rd cousin once removed), Edna Morton Sterrett (wife of Mac, who is my 2nd cousin twice removed), then Mary (the bride and my 3rd cousin once removed), Ann Thompson (later Montgomery), Pat Alexander (my 2nd cousin once removed, later Echols), and Anna Shepherd (later Pethe).

Back to the men starting on the left, Torquil "Torq" McCorkle, Thomas "Mac" McSwain, Mac Sterrett (my 3rd cousin once removed), Mac Sterrett (my 2nd cousin twice removed),Alec Lipscomb (my 1st cousin once removed), Jim Alexander (my uncle), Scott Barnett (my uncle--my Mom's brother), Jack Alexander (my Dad), and Tate Alexander (my uncle).

Mary noted that only she and Anna Shepherd Pethe are still living.