Wednesday, May 31, 2017

#52stories - Week 13 (Mar 29th - published late)

Memories in Winston-Salem. 1962-1970.
  • I described a lot of my memories of Winston-Salem in my earlier post about elementary school.
  • In the summer of 1962, we moved to Winston-Salem and lived at 2408 Ivy Ave.  I shared a room with my older sister.  The house had an attic that was floored and had dormer windows.  We could sleep up there when the weather was right if we wanted to.There was an alley behind the house.  I remember my brother throwing a brick up in the air in the back yard over & over.  Unfortunately, the last time he did it, it came down on my little sister's head. Ouch!  
  • We walked to school, to church , and to just about everywhere else; sometimes we rode our bikes.  There was a man a few blocks over that ran a candy store out of his basement.  All the kids went there.  Candy bars were a nickel and there were also lots of penny candy options.
  • We went to Burkhead Methodist Church in north Winston.  And when it moved to a brand new building on Silas Creek Parkway, we moved with it.  I was confirmed in the old building.  According to the church website (, it was called Burkhead Methodist Episcopal Church, South until it moved to Silas Creek Parkway and became Burkhead United Methodist Church. Here's a photo of what the old church looks like now (photo creds to John Zielke on Google maps).  It is now the Ambassadors for Christ Revival Church on Harriet Tubman Dr, but the street had a different name in the early 1960s. The picture below it is the current church (photo from the church website).

  • I saw my first fireworks at the fairgrounds in Winston.  I just remember them being very loud.
  • We  took vacations to Ocean Isle Beach, NC, a couple of years.  My little sister said of the ocean, "that's a big swimming pool!" We left our plastic bucket on the beach and it washed away.  Mom fussed at us for doing that, but we had no clue that it wouldn't be there when we went back.  Dad taught us to catch crabs with string, weights, chicken necks, and a net; and how to cook and eat them.  We had eaten them before in Fairfield when my Uncle Scott brought some over from Fredericksburg. 
  • We occasionally ate at Kelly's Hamburgers after church.  It was kind of like a McDonalds, but I think it predated McDonalds in Winston.
  • In 1964, we moved to 205 Araminta Drive on the west side of town.  I had a room to myself because I had always shared a room with a sibling.  Cathie & Sally shared a room, but Cathie left for college in 1966 and that became Sally's room.  Dad built a partition in the basement to section off half the room for Graham.
  • In high school, I performed as a majorette with our high school band and others in the region at Band Day for a Wake Forest football game.  We also performed in the Winston-Salem Thanksgiving Day parade.  Dad took this picture of me in the official band uniform before one of the performances.
  • I don't think I mentioned before that, other than the uniform pictured above, we made our uniforms.  It kept the cost down. We had a white one with fringe (top & bottom), and we wore a white blouse with green pants or gold pants.  We made "suspenders" out of braid that we added to the green pants for a different look.
  • I had a pet cat that we had brought down from my uncle's farm. He was an indoor/outdoor cat and lived many years.  I have pictures of him somewhere that I'll add if I can find them. 
  • During the summers in college, I worked at Pizza Hut, and as a camp counselor at a couple of day camps.  I also had a job with the city of Hickory one summer and I stayed with my sister.
I will add more memories when I think of them.