Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hebron Presbyterian Church is located in Augusta County near Staunton.  It was founded in 1746.  I actually have been inside this one.  I visited it with my sister and my Crawford cousins.  I met these cousins online through our genealogy research and we decided to meet one weekend.

We visited the cemetery to the right of the church, as well as the one across the street.  I have Wilson, Bell, Crawford, and other relatives buried here.

The most interesting cemetery I've visited was a couple of miles from here.  It was located in the woods on a farm and the tombstones date in the 1780s.


  1. The rest of the story the OTHER Cemetery was Down the lane, across a stream, under the electric fence and follwed the cow path to the top of the hill

    1. was memorable...under the electric fence and over the ladder across the other fence...and the cow path was in the woods!

  2. You should revise your blog and include how you got to the other cemetery Mrs.Adventures.
