Tuesday, July 16, 2013

James Robertson & Rachel Phair are another set of 5th-great grandparents.  This is James Robertson's will, which was proven on 13 December 1819 in Campbell County, Virginia.  James Robertson is a proven DAR patriot.  He provided "two beeves" in payment of taxes to the new government in 1782 in Bedford County (Campbell's predecessor).  I retrieved this copy of the will at the Library of Virginia from the microfilm copy of Campbell County's Will Book 4, pp. 219-220.

James and Rachel's daughter Isabell Robertson married John Gibson, their son John Gibson married Grace Taylor, their daughter Ann Eliza Gibson married John M. Alexander, their son James W. Alexander married Sally Belle Gibson (now I know it was really Sarah Isabella), their son, John Addison Alexander married Janet Fultz, and their son Jack was my Dad.  From John & Isabell Gibson on down to my Dad, the family lived in Rockbridge County, Virginia.

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