Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Again, continuing from yesterday, I found the obituary for James William Alexander in the Staunton, Virginia newspaper.

I hope you can read this article.  It was located on the page under an obituary for James's grandfather, John Gibson, who died 2 days before he did. How sad for the family. This says that James William Alexander was a modest man. He studied at Washington & Lee University, was in business, served as County Steward and Superintendent of the Poor.  He was only 37 when he died. 

As was the custom of the time, his wife, Sallie Gibson Alexander, had to petition the court to become guardian of her children.  Outrageous by today's standards, but progressive for that time.  About 30 years earlier, Sallie's father died while she was underage--he was about 50 years old.  Another male family member, not her mother, was appointed guardian for Sallie & her two brothers.  About 30 years later, my grandfather, Sallie's & James' son John Addison Alexander, died at the age of 38.  My grandmother apparently did not have to be appointed guardian of her children.  

The first house I remember living in was, I believe, the house where James & Sallie lived with their children. I'll have to figure out where the grandfather lived one of these days.

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