Sunday, November 24, 2013

This is the kind of thing I find on that I love. It is a copy of my Aunt Nannie's passport application dated 1923.

According to this, she was sailing on the ship Pan American to go sightseeing in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina.  I barely new Aunt Nannie; and when I did, she was bedridden.  So I am glad to see that she got to have a little adventure in her life.  I assume she traveled with someone, but I don't know who.  This is the photo that accompanied the application:

Aunt Nannie was officially Nancy Belle Alexander (1878-1958), my dad's father's sister.  She also was a daughter of the James W. Alexander who died at the age of 37 about whom I recently blogged. 

She graduated in nursing from State Normal School for Women, now known as Longwood University, in Farmville, Virginia.  To be more precise, I have letters that she wrote home from Farmville and she was a trained nurse; so I assume that's where she was trained. 

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