Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I remember my Uncle Ike as an old man that was not very patient with young children (like me).  But I recently discovered he was a private during World War I.  He was my great-uncle, my grandmother's only brother, Isaac Fultz.

Here are three postcards that he wrote to his sister, Draper, who was at Stuart Circle Hospital in Richmond, VA, at the time. He was stationed at Lehigh University in PA initially. 


Later Ike was moved to Camp Zachary Taylor in Louisville, KY.  While there, he wrote this letter to Draper. I hope you can read it.  He talks about eating well and gaining weight. Note the stationary says "Army and Navy Young Men's Christian Association."  And at the bottom of the page, writers are asked to "SAVE BY USING BOTH SIDES OF THIS PAPER" and receivers are asked to "SAVE FOOD. BUY LIBERTY BONDS AND WAR SAVING STAMPS."


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