Thursday, July 17, 2014

Newspapers are a wonderful source of information about ancestors.  I spent a couple of hours this week looking for my grandparents' obituaries and found them!  I didn't even know whether they existed. The two above are for my father's parents.

John A Alexander's obituary lists his wife as Jeanette, but it was Janet.  It also lists one of his sisters as Mrs. George Lipscomb, when her husband actually went by Wiley (he was George Wiley Lipscomb).  And his sister Mary was always Midge to the family.  Also, I'm fairly certain that the minister was Rev. Borthwick.  So it is loaded with misinformation. Nonetheless, the date and cause of death match information on the death certificate, so they got that right. The obituary appeared in the 31 January 1923 issue of the Lexington Gazette.

On the other hand, Janet Alexander's obituary is factually correct all the way through. Her obituary appeared in the 14 April 1954 issue of the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The Lexington Gazette may also have run an obituary for her, but it was not as readily available in the Library of Virgina.  That will have to wait for another day.

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