Monday, April 9, 2018

After attending a local genealogy conference, I am determined to sort through all my "stuff."  So I started going through some of the boxes that I have.  One of the boxes contains stationery that belonged to my great aunt Draper Fultz.  It contains the following:
  • unused postage stamps from (I think) the 1940s through the 1960s;
  • envelopes and post cards embossed with prepaid 2-cent, 3-cent, and 4-cent postage; 
  • empty envelopes with cancelled postage stamps addressed to her from various people dating from at least 1939-1967; 
  • empty envelopes with uncancelled postage stamps addressed to other people; 
  • many postage stamps torn off of corners of envelopes;  
  • Top Value (yellow) and S & H Green stamps, which were trading stamps; 
  • some decorative bird stamps; 
  • a book of Virginia ABC coupons issued in 1946; and 
  • a few actual letters and post cards with postage stamps.
Historically speaking, the ABC coupons are arguably the most significant item here.  And the philatelists reading this are likely drooling about the uncancelled postage stamps.  But for me, the most exciting item was this post card dated May 15, 1944, that my Mom sent to Draper.  My parents were married May 6, 1944, and spent heir honeymoon in New Orleans before heading to Texas where my Dad would resume his Army duties. So she wrote this to Draper while they were on their honeymoon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy I just loved reading this.It makes me want to make one. I love how you arranged it and your photos. Oral history to me is a big part of history to me. Thank you for sharing it.
