Monday, April 30, 2018

I thought I had posted about this photo before, but I couldn't find anything in a search of my blog.  So I am assuming I only posted it on Facebook in the past.  Anyway, this is a photo taken on the front steps of the farm house I used to live in (from age 2 to 9) in Fairfield, Virginia.  The house had been in my Dad's family for a while...not sure how long.  But it is the first place I remember living. 
Fairfield, VA, 1959
Pictured in the front row are (left to right) my sister Cathie, cousin Carol, brother Graham, me, cousin Bruce.  On the left middle are my Aunt Eleanor and my Mom holding my sister Sally.  In the back row are my Dad, cousin Dorothy, Grandma Barnett, and my aunt Ruth.  The picture is undated, but I estimated it was taken in 1959 because Sally was born in the summer of 1958 and she looks about a year old here.  Also, I was never sure who took the picture.  Likely candidates were my uncle Bill (Ruth's husband) or my Uncle Marcellus (Aunt Eleanor's husband).  However, a couple of days ago, I stumbled across the following newspaper article.
The News Leader [Staunton, VA], 6 Oct 1959, page 7
As you can tell, the photo documents this visit.  So now I can confirm that it was taken on October 3rd or 4th of 1959, and that it was Uncle Marcellus who took the picture. 

My grandmother's birthday was October 5th, so she was about to turn 75.  Perhaps the visit was because of her birthday.  I don't remember.

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