Monday, July 29, 2019

Who ARE these people? 

I have a stack of new-to-me old letters that I am deciphering and I see names of Aunt so-and-so and Cousin so-and-so of people who are not in my tree!  These letters provide tantalizing hints of relations long lost to our family. 

My great-grandmother Sallie Belle Gibson Alexander kept a stationery box containing letters, receipts, cancelled checks, and other items.  The oldest date is 1866, so I will start with that simple letter. I have transcribed it below the images.

I think the Aunt to whom this was addressed may have been my great-great grandmother Nancy Lyle Adams.  Her first husband, David Addison Gibson, died in 1862 leaving her with three young children, including my great-grandmother Sallie and her brothers John and James. In 1866, the children would have been school-age  and Nancy Adams Gibson would have been a widow "living alone" as referenced in the letter. Nancy remarried in 1868 to William Irvin who died in 1871, leaving her once again a widow until her death in Rockbridge County in 1893.

That said, I do not know who Mattie Dixon or her mother or Sallie and Mary who were probably her sisters.  I also don't know Uncle Tom Lindsey, Aunt Mag or Aunt Mary. I suspect they are on the Adams side of the family, about which I know much less than the Gibson side. More to research!

"Tipton Cedar Co. Iowa
December 21st 1866
Dear Aunt,

After a lapse of time I set myself to drop you a few lines to see whether you are still in the land of the living it has been about four months since I answered your letter. I have almost given up in despair. I am in hopes when you receive this epistle you will certainly answer. We are all enjoying general health this evening and hoping you and your little family are all enjoying the blessings of life and that is good health. Oh what a blessing. We have had some very cold weather but it has not come to the worst yet. We have had some sleighing but not good.  I had the pleasure of taking a sleighride one evening I went to church. Oh Aunt how I wish you and your little family were here with us this evening. What a pleasant time we would have. I would not mind losing one nights sleep to have a talk with you. Oh what would I give to see you and all my relations but I fear I will never have that pleasure.  Well Aunt we all at home this evening with the exception of Sallie. She is in the town of Tipton.  Mother and Mary are knitting and has been playing the jewsharp. We are having quite an interesting time. John is going to school I expect to start next week if no preventing providence. I hope to have a pleasant time.  I suppose Cousin Sallie & John are going to school. Where did you spend your Christmas.  For my part I spent mine at home. It has been so long since I heard from you I thought I would drop you a few lines. I would like to know how you are getting along have you any one living with you now. I should think it would be very lonesome living alone. I want you to write soon and give all the particulars how all our relations are getting along especially Uncle Tom Lindsey. I am in hopes when I hear from him he will be enjoying better health. Is there any marrying going on in Virginia. There is no end to the marriages in Iowa and still no signs of stopping. There was three couple married last week all acquaintances of mine. I wish  them all the joy and happiness imaginable. Have you seen Aunt Mag lately. How are they prospering. I hope well. Tell Aunt Mag not to think she is slighted because I have sent my photograph to Aunt Mary. Tell Aunt Mag to be patient a while longer and she will have the pleasure of looking at my pretty face until she is tired. I will expect some of the family in return. Now Aunt if you don't answer this letter I will have to send you another pen and paper.  I want you to write soon and give all the particulars for I long to hear from you all once more. You were going to better the next time but instead of doing better I think you are getting worse. All join in much love to you all and accept a portion of my love to you. Answer immediately. 

From your niece, Mattie Dixon

Parted friends again may meet
From the cares of labor free
Crowned with mercy oh how sweet
Will eternal friendship be – Mattie”

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