Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Adams Family

I have discovered who the Dixon cousins were from my previous post.  My great-grandmother's sister, Martha Adams, married Samuel Dixon in December 1839 in Rockbridge County. They had at five children born in Virginia: Sarah, James, Mary, Martha (Mattie), and John.  Martha Adams Dixon was my third-great aunt as follows:

Martha Adams (1813 - 1893) 3rd great-aunt
James Adams (1788 - 1857) Father of Martha Adams
Nancy Lyle Adams (1826 - 1893) Daughter of James Adams
Sarah Isabella Gibson (1854 - 1920) Daughter of Nancy Lyle Adams
John Addison Alexander (1884 - 1923) Son of Sarah Isabella Gibson
John Addison Alexander Jr (1919 - 2002) Son of John Addison Alexander
Nancy Lynn Alexander Daughter of John Addison Alexander Jr

Martha Adams Dixon died October 14, 1893, in Tipton, Iowa.  According to an obituary posted on her FindAGrave Memorial (, she was preceded in death by her husband and all but one of her children. (Tipton Advertiser 19 Oct 1893 page 3) The obituary also says she was the oldest of a family of eight, suggesting that Aunt Mag and Aunt Mary referenced in her daughter’s letter were probably her sisters; and Uncle Tom Lindsey could have been her mother’s brother.  I’m still working on that. The obituary goes on to say that Martha’s “early life was spent in her native state, but in 1854 moved with her husband and family to Tipton where she had since resided. She has been an invalid since 1882 and has known what sorrow and trouble mean, yet in the midst of it all she bore herself patiently and maintained a cheerful and hopeful spirit. This she was enabled to do by her faith in God and the trust which she exercised in her Savior and his promise to her. She united early in life with the Presbyterian Church and remained a faithful and consistent member to the close of life. She leaves a daughter and one brother in this place besides other relatives and friends who will miss her presence and sorrow in her absence.”

By the time Mattie wrote her letter in 1866, her father had died. Her sisters Sarah and Mary each married but had no children; her brother James married and had at least two children; but I found no evidence that Mattie or her brother John married.  With so many family members dying before 1900, it is understandable that family connections were lost.

For the record, I also am related to Samuel Dixon; he was my 3rd cousin 4 times removed as follows:

Samuel Dixon (1812 - 1864) 3rd cousin 4x removed
Sarah Paxton (1792 - 1834) Mother of Samuel Dixon
Samuel Paxton (1748 - 1807) Father of Sarah Paxton
Elizabeth McClung (1724 - 1773) Mother of Samuel Paxton
William McClung (1698 - 1784) Father of Elizabeth McClung
John McClung (1731 - 1817) Son of William McClung
Margaret Alexander McClung (1755 - 1839) Daughter of John McClung
Phebe Tate (1789 - 1846) Daughter of Margaret Alexander McClung
Robert Tate Willson (1812 - 1885) Son of Phebe Tate
Ida Virginia Willson (1855 - 1949) Daughter of Robert Tate Willson
Janet Ingles Fultz (1888 - 1954) Daughter of Ida Virginia Willson
John Addison Alexander Jr (1919 - 2002) Son of Janet Ingles Fultz
Nancy Lynn Alexander Daughter of John Addison Alexander Jr

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