Saturday, August 10, 2019

"How is the kid doing"

So ends the short note written from my great-grandfather James W Alexander to his wife Sallie in 1887. The back of the note was sent to Mrs. Sallie Alexander at Mrs. Irvin's.  Mrs. Irvin was Sallie's mother. The note reads:

"Poor House May 22 1887
Dear Sallie
     The Board of Supv put me out yesterday and put Sam Wilson in my place. They put Halbert out as County surveyor & put James in his place. Rash L is coming over this eavning [sic] & I cannot come over. P[?] More is the scoundrel that beat me. How is the kid doing
                                           from your devoted
                                                       James W. A."
James Alexander was an Overseer of the Poor, so he wrote this note from the Poor House.  Evidently, the county supervisors decided to elect different people for the positions noted. I will have to go see if I can find articles in the Lexington paper that might have covered this.  The "kid" referenced was likely their youngest child, Mary Annaliza Alexander (known to us as Aunt Midge) who was born April 12, 1887.  And Sallie was likely staying with her mother to get help with the baby and other children.

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