Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Another set of 5th great grandparents: William Ingles and Mary Draper Ingles.

And William Ingles is another one of my DAR-proven patriots. He was a Major at the Battle of Point Pleasant and a Colonel in the Montgomery County militia.  He also was one of the signers of the Fincastle County Resolutions and was a member of the Committee of Safety for that County in 1776.  In 1777, he took the oath of allegiance as administered by William Preston.  In 1778, he was referred to as Colonel William Ingles, a position he held in the local militia until 1782. The Fincastle County Resolutions were one of many similar documents signed all over Virginia (and perhaps other states) that were precursors to the Declaration of Independence. 

However, I think it is ironic that his wife is more well known today than he is. You have to read my blog of 15 May 2012 to find out more about her...or just Google her.  I was taught her story as part of Virginia history in the fourth grade and my great aunts told me her story when I was a child.  But I didn't learn of William Ingles' patriotism until I researched it myself within the past couple of years.

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