Sunday, January 6, 2013

Because I am watching ACC basketball right now, it seems fitting to post this artwork by my cousin Bob Alexander.  This was another gem we found rummaging in Mom's attic.  I didn't notice until after I scanned it that it is autographed by Allan Bristow (the one depicted as the Super Hokie) and Bobby Stevens (making the basket on the right).  And it features cousin Bob's signature mini-Bob caricature in the lower left corner.

Bobby was a talented artist and sports enthusiast.  So it was natural for him to combine the two passions.  In fact, he made a career out of publishing sports cartoons, mainly for the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune in Massachusetts. He also published a book of cartoons in 1978 called Benchwarmer's Sports Trivia.

Bob would send creative Christmas cards and he drew other cartoons/caricatures.  Some were about current events, such as the lunar landing.  Others were political, such as his tricky Dick caricature of Richard Nixon.  If I can find & scan that one, it would make for an interesting post!  

You can read a short biography of Bob at  Unfortunately, Bob passed away in 1999 at the age of 55.

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