Sunday, March 25, 2012

This is my great-grandmother, Mamie Elizabeth Love Barnett.  My mother, Jean Graham Barnett, is the dark-haired girl in the middle.  She is flanked by her cousin, Mildred Muire; brother, Scott Barnett; and sister, Ruth Barnett.  This picture was probably taken in the late 1920s in Richmond, Virginia.

I didn't know any of my great-grandparents.  In fact, I only knew one of my grandparents--my Mom's mother.  The great-grandmother in this picture was my Mom's father's mother.  She was born in 1864 in Mecklenberg County, Virginia, and died in 1930 in Richmond, Virginia.  She married John Graham Barnett, Sr., who was from Clarksville, Virginia. 

Mom said her father, John Graham Barnett, Jr., built a house for his mother and sister in Richmond next door to her.  So she saw her grandmother often.  My mother called her Grandma Barnett as opposed to Ma, who was her other grandmother.  But that's a story for another day.

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