Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mountain View Elementary School, Buena Vista, Virginia.  This is where I attended 4th grade and Mrs. Mackey was my teacher.  We were here only one year between when Dad stopped teaching and when we moved to North Carolina.  It has been renovated, of course, since I went there.

I liked Mrs. Mackey a lot and I did well in school.  But it was here that I experienced people not liking me because I was smart.  I was the new kid and apparently displaced a couple of people as the top performer in the class.  My guess is that they would have experienced that eventually in high school.  That also was the year that I started wearing glasses. 

I remember rehearsing a play, but I don't remember what it was about. I remember studying Virginia history.  And I remember attending Michael Coleman's birthday party.  I have a few other vague memories of that year, but not much that's worth mentioning.

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