Saturday, June 16, 2012

Washington College, Va.
26th June 1869
Dear Sir,

          With pleasure I inform you of the action of the faculty commending your son A. G. Robinson for uniform regularity of attendance upon his duties + for steady improvement in his studies during the past session.
                                Very respectfully,
                                          R. E. Lee
S. C. Robinson
Richmond, Va.

Because I wrote about Edward Trent Robinson & Powhatan Roberts Robinson in my last two posts, I thought I would research another of the brothers, Archibald Graham Robinson.  All I knew about him was that he was from Richmond, attended college in 1870, became a druggist and bank clerk in Staunton, and was married. Another fourth cousin three times removed.

So I searched Google images to see what I could find and was delighted to see this letter pop up from the Washington & Lee University library. The entry says the letter is not in Robert E. Lee's handwriting, but the signature is his.

I haven't been able to find his wife's name...but I'll keep looking!

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