Thursday, May 3, 2012

Henry Melville Doak was born in 1841 in Washington County, Tennessee.  He served in the Civil War and was later a lawyer, educator, and journalist.  He was my second cousin four times removed.  

At the beginning of the Civil War, Doak enlisted in Company E, 19th Tennessee Infantry (the Knoxville Guards) and was wounded at Shiloh.  However, he later joined the Confederate States Marine Corps, in whose military uniform he is pictured above.  With the CSMC, he served at Charleston Harbor, Drewry’s Bluff, Savannah, and Wilmington.  He was seriously wounded defending Fort Fisher, North Carolina, on January 15, 1864. But he later fought at Saylor’s Creek & surrendered at Appomattox.  Whew!

Doak was educated at Washington College & Stewart College, both of which were in Tennessee, I believe.  For much of his career, he was a newspaper journalist and editor.  He edited the Clarksville Tobacco Leaf, Nashville American, Nashville Banner, Cincinnati News-Journal, and Memphis Avalanche.  He also was appointed clerk of the Federal court at Nashville, Tennessee, and, later was made United States district clerk.

In 1866, Doak married Margaret Lacy Lockert in Clarksville, Tennessee.  Here is a picture of her.  (By the way, I found these in an archive of Tennessee pictures online.)  I don’t know anything about her.

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