Thursday, May 10, 2012

My brother found several of these certificates at my cousin Jim's house.  Jim thought we should have them because they were my Dad's.  And, of course, my brother gave them to me because I am generally the family history guru (a.k.a. pack rat).  I have them from 1929 through 1937. 

I was curious about their significance.  So I Google searched the certificates and discovered that Nancy Vance, who joined the Virginia Department of Health in 1919, started the program to promote health education in the schools.  This was the Five-Point Program of Child Health and students in the public schools received certificates for meeting standards for weight, vision, hearing, throat and dental health. According to an online biography of Nancy Vance, 27,816 children received certificates in 1926 and 139, 828 children received them in 1932-1933, the year my Dad received the one above.

Many thanks to the VCU's library site that housed Nancy Vance's bio.  Otherwise, I would not have found anything on the certificates.  See

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