Thursday, May 24, 2012

This is Cousin Louise. Her full name was Annette Louise Houston and she married James Patton Alexander, who was my first cousin twice removed.  He died before I was born, but I remember Cousin Louise well.

She was a true southern lady, but she could pull that off without putting on airs. She was active in the Lexington Historical Society, which she referred to as the Lexington Hysterical Society.  To me this showed that she appreciated her history but knew that it didn't make her any better than anyone else.

Cousin Louise lived in a house known as Red House.  It has been described as "a federal-style inn" and that's what it looks like.  It has a long circular drive off of Route 11 and tall white columns in front.  Of course, like Cherry Grove, everyone knows to enter on the side of the house.  A walled cemetery is on the property marked by an historical marker, shown below.

Red House and the McDowell Family Marker Photo, Click for full size 

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