Monday, May 21, 2012

Here's an old but not ancient picture.  Yet another one in Jim's front yard at Cherry Grove Farm.  Probably around 1970.

Left to right we have Jim Alexander, Frances Fultz (Ike's wife), Jimmy Alexander, Sarah Alexander, Draper Fultz, Jean Alexander, Graham Alexander (hiding in the shadows), Sally Alexander, Cathie Alexander, Jack Alexander, Tommy Alexander, and Nancy Alexander.

Jim, Sarah, Jimmy & Tommy are one family and Jack, Jean, Cathie, Nancy, Graham, & Sally are another family. I don't know why we were there. I'm sure this was taken after we had moved to Winston-Salem.  Also, I have no idea who took the picture.

Here's another one taken about the same time in the same yard.  But they aren't wearing the same clothes, so I don't know if it was the same trip or not. 

Left to right we have Graham, Jack, Tommy. Tate, Jimmy, Jim, & Sam--all Alexanders. Jack & Graham go together, Tate & Sam go together, and Jim, Jimmy & Tommy go together.  The rest of Tate's sons were probably with their wives, which means this was likely taken after Bobby's wedding in 1971.

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