Thursday, April 12, 2012

The original Fab Four!
From left to right: Jack Alexander, Tate Alexander, Jim Alexander, & Alec Lipscomb.

The top picture was taken in the 1920s in the yard of the Alexander farm in Rockbridge County.  I have many, many pictures of various combinations of these four boys.  Jack, Tate, & Jim were brothers (youngest to oldest) and Alec was their first cousin.  But Alec was really more like a fourth brother.  Chronologically, Alec fell between Jim & Tate. And they were very close in age...less than 4 years separated the oldest and the youngest.

The bottom picture was taken in 1982 at a family reunion at Tate's house on Red Hill Road in Fairfield.  The invitation was sent on a postcard using the top picture, so we had them line up in the same order. I love that we have both pictures spanning about 60 years!

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