Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This was a mystery lady for years!  In the late 1990s or early 2000s, I sat down with my Uncle Jim, his son, Jim, and my sister, Cathie, to identify a huge box full of old photos.  My cousin & uncle lived in the house that my grandmother, great-grandmother, great aunts, and great-great aunt lived in.  So the pictures were amassed over a couple of generations. 

For the most part, we could identify people.  But we kept coming across copies of this picture.  There must have been about 10 copies of it.  And no clue as to who she was.  I thought the dress looked like Civil War era, but that was the only clue. 

We circulated the picture to others in the Alexander & Fultz families, but no one identified her. 

There was one branch of my great-grandmother's family that moved west to Texas and some went on to Oregon (I think) before ending up in New Mexico.  I stopped by to see one of them (Nell Callahan) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, many years ago. And I had written another one (Barbara Roberts) who lives in Amarillo, Texas. 

It occurred to me that Barbara might recognize the photo; so several years ago, I sent her a copy.  Lucky for me, Barbara identified her as Eliza Jane Ingles Willson--my great-great grandmother.  This made a lot of sense because her daughter (my great-grandmother Ida Willson Fultz) owned the house that my uncle lived in.

Now I try to document who is in all of my pictures so that 100 years from now, no one will wonder about them as I did this one!

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